Keely Hill

Keely’s first iOS game released

Quartz Run Icon

Get it Here! Quartz Run!

The advent of the SpriteKit Framework from Apple/iOS 7 brought me to my first experience with game engines. This is one of my bigger projects and also took a while to get approved.

Version 1.0.0 may have a few bugs, especially on the iPad. Feedback on these are appreciated. More features will come with time.

- A very excited and happy Keely

Relieve, Relive, Re-live.

Why is relive, as to relive pain, to remove pain when the word claims the wish to re-live, as live the pain again. I found this interesting. Other words like ‘awful’ have the same thing. I quickly found out it is spelled ‘relieve’. But just as it is to be-live, to believe is to be alive.